Friday, April 15, 2011

Introducing Richards---Step out of the ‘real’ world into the actual world ... and leave your ‘self’ behind

Down-To-Earth Freedom from the Human Condition – Happy and Harmless in This Lifetime

Introducing Richards---Step out of the ‘real’ world into the actual world ... and leave your ‘self’ behind

The way of becoming actually free is both simple and practical.

One starts by dismantling the shadowy social identity which has been overlaid, from birth onward, on top of the innate self until one is virtually free from all the social mores and psittacisms (those mechanical repetitions of previously received ideas or images, reflecting neither apperception nor autonomous reasoning).

One can be virtually free from all the beliefs, ideas, values, theories, truths, customs, traditions, ideals, superstitions and all the other schemes and dreams.

One can become aware of all the socialisation, of all the conditioning, of all the programming, of all the methods and techniques which were used to produce what one feels and thus thinks oneself to be: a wayward identity careering around in confusion and illusion.

A ‘mature adult’ is actually a lost, lonely, frightened and very cunning entity.

However, it is never too late to start in on uncovering and discovering what one actually is.

One can become virtually free from all the insidious feelings – the emotions and passions and calentures – which fuel the mind and give credence to all the illusions and delusions and fantasies and hallucinations which masquerade as visions of The Truth.

One can become virtually free of all that which has encumbered humans with misery and despair and live in a state of virtual freedom … which is beyond ‘normal’ human expectations anyway.

Then, and only then, can the day of destiny dawn wherein one becomes actually free. One will have obtained release from one’s fate and achieved one’s birthright … and the world will be all the better for it.

It is now possible.

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