Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Logic and Rationale


[Just go through]

There does not exist any thought expressed or unexpressed which cannot be brought under the purview of logic and rationality.

“Whatsoever has been expressed till date”,

“whatsoever is being expressed now” and

“whatsoever will be expressed in future”

“by way/in the form” of spoken or written words or by any other means,

are all fall in the realm of mind as they are the expressions of thoughts which themselves are interpretations of impulses done by brain-mind structure  only instrument available with us for this purpose.

Hence all of them irrespective of field (including spirituality and religion) from which they belong are subject to logic and rationalization.

There is no way out howsoever one may claim of being beyond logic. All claims are due to ignorance/misunderstanding.

If somebody thinks that some words/phrases/sentences (howsoever they holy/sacred may be)

"said/written by/in"

"Masters/Guru/Gods/scriptures" are beyond logic

then understand that

the concerned person’s capacity to understand/comprehend is still below the threshold limit of understanding /comprehending, so far as those words/phrases/sentences are concerned.

Hence instead of resorting to rigidly believing in the those thoughts which are supposed to be beyond logic,

one should try to upgrade/uplift his own level of understanding up to the threshold limit so that after which those thoughts come into the field of logic and rationality.

All the Masters try to express the inexpressible (beyond the understanding /comprehension/perception of sense organs and mind) with the help of words (mostly metaphors/ pointers) in order to make us understand logically and rationally with the help of our mind which is fortunately or unfortunately the only tool available with us.

Hence all words are subject to logic and rationalization.

All the masters were human beings only and their minds were working exactly just like us.

They all are expressing "about the so called truth" as per their own mind's conditioning (data/programmes or training of brain cells).

The only difference between their way of functioning and our way of functioning (as narrated by them only)

is that

in their case "thoughts have lost their grip on their actions" while "we are in total grip/clutch of thoughts", effects of which are reflected in our actions .

In other words they are detached from thoughts appearing on their mental screen while we are attached to them.

This is only because we are not aware about grip of thoughts while they are fully aware


due to that awareness only they have known/realized what they call freedom / salvation / moksha / kaivalya / realization / atmasakshatkar/ Gyana etc.

Thursday, December 8, 2011



[ Perhaps the most important FACTUAL ISSUE to ponder over ]

In the waking state right from morning to night as well as in dreaming state,

we (body-mind structure) are trying "to get rid of/to fulfill" thoughts/desires (spiritual thoughts/desires included)

which are continuously appearing into our the so called mind

due to

happening of interpretations of impulses (produced due to various outside and inside known/unknown factors/stimuli) reaching the brain through nervous system.

However this ("getting rid of/ fulfilling of" thoughts/desires) is happening perhaps inside without us being aware of it i.e. without our knowledge.

Take simple example to understand this factual position of our unawareness.

In the morning after waking up a thought related to having a cup of tea/coffee appears and is expressed by asking somebody “whether tea/coffee is ready”.

If the answer come “yes” then the thought(whether tea/coffee is ready) gets annihilated i.e. got rid of the concerned thought.

If answer comes “no” then another thought appears and expressed “what is the problem”.

It again is gotten rid by another answer.

The whole day or you can say the whole life this process of getting rid of thoughts is continuously going on albeit without our knowledge/awareness.

If somehow we become aware of this process which is going on unknowingly,

instantly we find that there is nothing to find...there is no goal to achieve.....everything is as it should have been in the moment as we are already established in the MOMENT.

"""Just ponder over,think and verify in your day to day life."""


Nothing is wrong with you in

The mind, if there is any, is never/hardly interested in facts.

It is always interested in something unknown and unknowable ; hence, imaginations, dreaming, etc.

And such actions (imaginations, dreaming, etc.) are bound to continue as there is no way out from it too because this is the best/only exercise for the billions of idle neurons we have (it is said we don't even use 1% of our brain's capacity).

In the unknown generally the scientists (intelligent people) are interested so that a part of unknown can be brought under the purview of known.

The rest (majority 99.99%) whose basic needs have been fulfilled are interested in unknowable (fictions / imaginary entities/phenomena like God, Soul, Enlightenment, Nirvana, etc.) with the help of the so called religions/spirituality due to a no. known/unknown factors continuously working and perhaps none of those factors is in anyone's control.

And they will do so till awareness (questioning one's own actions i.e. existential questions) happens.

Hence nothing is wrong with you in any respect.

Sunday, November 13, 2011


In dual concept nothing is mystery except perhaps you (appears as background/ canvas on which everything appears to be happening).

Howsoever you may try to name it like consciousness, awareness, canvas, God, etc. (any name) that is not going to reveal/clarify its status.

It has remained mysterious till date and will perhaps remain so in future too.

Otherwise (out of concept of duality) perhaps "Everything is as it should have been in the moment."

In fact nothing can be thought or said.

The Four Principles of Spirituality

The Four Principles of Spirituality


India teaches us about the four principles of spirituality…

1st Principle: “Whomever you encounter is the right one”

This means that no one comes into our life by chance. Everyone who is around us, anyone with whom we interact, represents something whether to teach us something or to help us improve a situation.

2nd Principle: “Whatever happened is the only thing that could have happened”

Absolutely nothing of that which we experience could have been any other way. Not even in the least important detail. There is no “if only I had done that differently… Then it would have been different”. No, what happened is the only thing that could have taken place and must have take place for us to learn a lesson in order to move forward. Every situation in life which we encounter is absolutely perfect, even when it defies our understanding and our ego.

3rd Principle: “Each moment in which something begins is the right moment”

Everything begins at exactly the right moment, neither earlier nor later. When we are ready for it, for that something new in our life, it is there, ready to begin.

The Final Principle: “What is over, is over”

It is that simple. When something in our life ends, it helps our evolution. That is why, enriched by the recent experience, it is better to let go and move on.

This world has billions of people, hundreds of cultures and thousands of lessons to be learned.

So many things can be learned about life if we open our minds to another culture or religion; almost certainly you will find a unique lesson which you can apply to your life.

You don’t have to be a believer a firm believer, instead you can appreciate it for a specific value.

How can we grow if we only feed on what we know?

The world is a big place, we should take a step out of our own backyard every once in a while, don’t you think?

Tuesday, November 8, 2011



Acting (pretending) as Bhakta and being a Bhakta are two different things.

Generally what is seen is acting not being, but acting.

BHA=Bhagwan (a state of being) + akti= to be united ----means the Bhakta (sufi) is one who has merged (united) with God.

After happening/realisation of merger neither Bhakta (sufi) as person nor God as an entity remains as knowledge/feeling of separation is no more there.

It is not that Bhakta (sufi) does not know that there is no God separate from him/her, but just out of reverence towards his earlier “misunderstanding that God and he are separate”  Bhakta (sufi) continues to show his/her love towards God. This reverence is because of the fact that as in the first place because of that (understanding of duality) only he/she came to know the truth (non-dual---non-separation).

The story of enlightenment of Ramakrishna Paramhamsa in the presence of his Advaita guru, Totapuri is a glaring example of this state.

This has also been very beautifully explained by Nisargadatta Mahraj when he was asked why he worships his Guru four times a day and on the other hand you say that it (worshiping) has no meaning.

Let two words TRUST and INNOCENCE be explained first.

1. Trust:-

One has to start from having a slight bit of faith(belief) in someone or something.

With the progress in sadhna a part of faith which is nothing but full of doubt, gets converted into trust and this goes on decreasing and trust goes increasing. In the end faith come to an end or not and whatever remains is trust (without a bit of doubt).

This happens because whatsoever were believed (imagined) now became his truth due to own experiences.

In this state of trust the personality of Bhakta comes to an end due to merger (finding him already united) with the whole, he/she finds that he/she is in everything and everyone.

The feeling of separation is no more present there.

2. Innocence:-

This is the original or inherent quality of nature.

The body is already innocent.

For the body it is impossible to loose its innocence.

When mind comes into play then we say that the person is not innocent.

It means loss of innocence is directly linked with the working of mind.

If the mana-vachana-karma(thought-saying-action) are in full synchronization in a person, he is called innocent.

The starting point is the mana(thoughts) only.

And the innocent person will always be open to anything like a child.

He will not follow a fixed path at all like a child.

His decision will be spontaneous like a child .

Now why Bhakti is a difficult path:----------

Is it not true that the trust could not get developed between wife and husband even in the whole life time remaining together ?

If the trust between the persons living as wife and husband staying together for even 50-60 years, cannot develop, do you think the trust will develop with so called imaginary God about whom you have no idea at all ?

Then what to do?

The Bhakta wants to be loved by God but he does not know God.

Then how to approach the unknown God?

Here one concept will have to be brought in to understand.

The concept is “All the constituents of the creation are dear to God they are His creations."

These constituents are known to us.

My point is that in such a situation will it not be a better option to approach God through the constituents of creation only?

This appears to be logical too.

Further among all the constituents of the creation humans are very close to us.

Then why not to start with humans?

Even among humans son, wife, husband, daughter, maid servant, servant, driver, washerman, etc. are more closer than others.

So far as things are concerned many things are near to us which we use on daily basis.

So why not to start with those thing which are in daily use like bed, cot, tooth brush, wash basin, utensils, food items, dining table, showcase, car, things in office/shops etc.

How to start ?

You have to simply give attention towards the animate and inanimates listed above.

This giving/focusing of attention is nothing but expressing love towards them.

What is expression of love?

This is nothing but focusing (giving attention) of consciousness (love) toward somebody/something.

This simple act of yours has tremendous inherent power(capacity) to uplift you and convert you into a true Bhakta.

All of your showering of love towards animate and inanimate pushes you towards realisation of your own Godhood nature.

Reasons why to start with the constituents of the creation.

To understand this I am giving you two situations as under:-

1st situation-- I express/shower too much love towards you we being close friends , but I don’t love your sons and daughters. Will you be able to love me? Will it be possible for us to remain close to each other? Perhaps-No

2nd situation—I don’t express/shower any love towards you (supposing we don't know each other), but I love your children too much. Will you stop yourself from expressing/showering your love towards me? Will you and I not come very near to each other? Definitely-Yes.

In the same way the constituents of creation are near and dear to the God and if we give attention to the every constituent of the creation how it is possible that we will not come close to the God ? Will it not happen that this act in turn make our nature trusting irrespective of other factors and then we will automatically come near to God or our own Godhood/Buddhahood.

Hence for a person to tread on the Bhakti path following qualities must be there:---

1) He/she must be of Trusting Nature irrespective of nature of the person trusted upon.

2) He/she must be “INNOCENT” as this is the inherent quality of UNIVERSE

3) He/she must be totally OPEN i.e. he/she must not be of discriminating nature. In other words he must be living in a state of acceptance mode.

Ramakrishna Paramhamsa was a perfect example of staying in acceptance mode.

But where are these qualities visible in this today's scientific world ?

Now it is left to you to decide ?

Monday, November 7, 2011



[ Re-posting for consideration and with a request for improvement ]

1. Who is the closest to you ?

Perhaps none other than you as "you are that only".

2. Which is the next closest to you ?

Perhaps none other than your body, emotions, pains, pleasures etc..

3. Do you require outer help in knowing your body, feelings, emotions, pleasures, pain, etc ?

Perhaps - NO

4. Is it not true that you perceive/experience/know all the components of existence with the help of your sense organs ?

Perhaps - YES

5. Do you need outer help in perceiving/experiencing/knowing these components of existence ?

Perhaps - NO

6. Then can it not be inferred that to know/experience/perceive something which is at a distance from you (there is a gap between the subject and the object) you don't require any outside help ?

7. In my opinion "for knowing something (including your body) which is at a distance/away from you , the requirement of someone's (including your own sense organs) help makes some sense. Is it not true ?

8. "If you don't require any outside help to know all the things which are "away/at a distance" from you, why do you require any help from anyone in knowing "you" ? Does it make any sense in asking for any outside help in knowing "yourself" when there is no distance/gap between the subject (you) and object (you) ?

9. But the tragedy is that you are always badly seeking some outside help when in fact no help is needed/required at all.









Thursday, August 25, 2011



There is nothing but one.

You may call/name it truth/love/life etc.

And this very one is expressing through various forms (animate and inanimate).

The things which "AS IT IS" are not affected by our concepts/imaginations/ideas etc. May be just appearing to be affected.

In facts "answers put/given before the question arises" from the childhood days, are the real problems as we have forgotten asking questions.

The questions which appear to being asked are just to confirm the answers which we already have in the first place, otherwise there is no way/need to ask.

If somehow this process (answer given before the question arises) is reversed, then perhaps there is no need to ask even.

We are already that which would have been at a given moment.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011



Th desires are those thoughts which are capable of making the psychosomatic instrument to act either in the form of thinking or outer bodily actions.

Don't fight with Desires (Don't even think of trying to control them)

Just be aware of them or understand that they are desires.

[Although this is also a desire but helpful in knowing other desires]

Let me try to expand this desire:

It is said that "A desire arose in God and the creation happened instantly."

Then a desire arose in Him "To experience His creation."

But for experiencing the creation a proper instrument is required which HE was lacking.

Hence a further desire "To have an instrument for experiencing His creation" arose in Him.

Hence various instruments in different forms appeared into the creation.

HE evaluated all the instruments of His creation and found the human instrument (body) best for experiencing the creation.

In this human body different types/forms of desires go on appearing (happening) without any effort just like the desires which arose in God.

And with the help of these desires in fact the God is experiencing His own creations.

The question arises now that if the God could not control his desires then how can we ?

Hence don't fight or try to control them.

It is a total waste of energy.

Just understand them or try to become aware of them, but is possible only after they have come into picture. That is all.

Perhaps in this way they will not obstruct the natural flow of life / consciousness.

We must keep in mind following facts related to desire:

1. Non of the desires is ours.

2. They are just subtle expressions ( in the form of reactions) of life expressed in response to outer/inner circumstances surrounding it.

3. They are simply the interpretations of the impulses produced in the body in response to circumstances (reactions) surrounding it and they arise on their own and subside/vanish on their own whether they are translated into actions or not.

4. Their sustainability/nuisance depends on our fighting (resistance/trying to control) with them. If they sustain/continue they consume our vital energy till they continue.

4. If we can remain neutral to their arousal they vanish on their own without causing any harm (without consuming our energy) and their effects fade away within no time.

5. Among all desires the desire/thought "TO BE KNOWN" can be labeled as mother of all non-essential desires/thoughts.


What I or perhaps all of us have observed that

when the word "ENLIGHTENMENT" comes for the discussion

many of us say or give opinion with "authority" that

"there is no enlightenment, we have just forgotten to remember, we are already enlightened, etc."

making the whole discussion ridiculous or uncalled for or irrelevant.

Everyone of us tries to impress upon others that he/she knows what is being discussed.

[I don't know whether I am correct or not on this point, but for me it appears to be correct.]

But at the same time

1. we go on discussing topics related to the so called spirituality central theme of which is enlightenment

2. We go on quoting sayings/wisdom of various so called enlightened Masters of either yesteryear or contemporary ones.

Our this approach/behaviour puts a big question mark i.e.


Are we not behaving in a way which in my opinion it is simply showing that either we are neurotic or are having split personalities ?
3 hours ago · ·

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

What is enlightenment ?

What is enlightenment ?

It can be described in following different wordings.

1. It is realisation/recognition of "natural state" in which we already are, simply by way of understanding the fact that "Everything is" "as it should have been in the moment".

2. It is realisation/discovery of this fact that




3. It is realisation/knowing the fact that


4. On the physical level "it is a state of total relaxation of nervous system with full awarenes and alertness."

5. It is a state in which a person regains the "innocence and simplicity" of his/her childhood. It was just covered by illusory ego/mind/so called knowledge.

6. It is realisation of the fact that

"the ego/mind has no positive existence of its own.

It was appearing to be existing only due to absence of understanding/ clarity."

7. It is a state when

"the difference among mana,vachana and karma comes to an end."

All three exist in fully synchronised state.

It is basically sign of presence of innocence and simplicity.

8. On the mental level you can say it is the state

"when the grip of thoughts upon the person's action comes to an end ."

This is an internal mechanism which is reflected outwardly as egoless state.

9. In this state all the good qualities especially "empathy" and "compassion" starts flowing through that person. He has no way out but to act in that way (Nature's way/God's way)

10. It is the state when power of discrimination comes to an end in that person unlike other normal human beings.

In this sense the person becomes just like rock, soil, air, water, fire, body, sun, moon,body, etc, (all animate and inanimate) .

11. It is the state in which the peson is totally free from all faiths, belifs, principles, rules, regulations, etc. albeit all these qualities starts getting reflected through his actions. He/she becomes unpredictable.

12. It is the restoration of the respect to life (includes all inanimate too) as such which we have forgotten.

The above is not exhaustive but illustrative.

Reactions Vs. Response

Reactions Vs. Response

1. Although there exists reactions only in the universe (there is no question of action) , the difference between "reaction" and "response" ( as referred in common parlance ) lies in the "time taken by the person to become normal after that reaction."

In the case of a reaction which is in the form of response, the time taken to become normal for the person concerned is very very less as compared to a reaction as such (what we generally call it).

In a response the mind does not come into picture (seen from the angle of the person concerned) as it happens spontaneously while the reaction cannot happen without the indulgence of mind (seen from the angle of the person concerned). Therefore the consumption of energy in case of response is minimum while in case of reaction it is maximum and the reaction not only may further manifests into anger and irritations, but may continue its existence for a long time to come in order to take revenge.

Hence the response can be said to be natural as it can be observed in every form of life and also in inanimate except human beings. However the small children and the enlightened ones can be exceptions among the humans.

2. It is very difficult (almost impossible) to come out of the "reactionary state" of mind. But once you come out of it you are already in "responding state".

"Imitating the responding state" is very simple which is generally happening everywhere as we are great actors, but the "reality" surfaces immediately which is reflected in his words he expresses, if the person's outer imitating layer gets scratched somehow.

3." Reaction" which is immediate , is the sign of the presence of non-existent/illusory ego and consumes a lot of energy, while "response" which is spontaneous (may or may not be immediate) is the sign of absence of ego and consumes minimum needed energy.

You can analyse on your own whether it was your reaction or response, on the basis of degree of relaxation after your reaction/response has happened.

If you feel drained(not feeling fully energetic) of energy understand that that was definitely a reaction, opposite is true for response.
23 minutes ago · ·

Thursday, August 11, 2011



Who is the closest to you ? None other than you as "you are that only".

Which is the next closest to you ? None other than your body, emotions, pains, pleasures etc..

Do you require anyone's help in knowing/understanding your body, feelings, emotions, pleasures, pain, etc ?

Absolutely No.

You perceive/experience/know all the components of existence with the help of your sense organs only.

Do you need anyone's help in knowing these components of existence ?

Perhaps No.

My question is

"If you don't require any help from anyone to know all the things which are "away/at a distance" from you, why do you require any help from anyone in knowing "you"?

In my opinion

"for knowing something (including your body) which is at a distance/away from you , the requirement of someone's (including your own sense organs) help makes some sense."

But does it make any sense in asking for any one's help in knowing "yourself" when there is no distance/gap between the subject (you) and object (you) ?

But the tragedy is that you are always badly seeking help of some one else while in fact no help is needed/required at all.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

What is in your control or what is that which you can do ? Where is the free will ?

What is in your control or what is that which you can do ? Where is the free will ?

Let us examine the whole film of our so called life step by step.

1. Conceiving:

Is it not true that our parents did not meet specifically to produce us. They were enjoying the act of meeting of two bodies trying to become one but we got conceived without they being aware of our conceiving date and time ? Was not that a happening i.e. our conceiving was in nobody's control ?

2. Birth and Death:

Is it not true that our phenomenon of growing for 9 months in the womb was in nobody's control i.e that was a happening ?

Is it not true that our birth was in nobody's control i.e that was a happening ?

Is it not true that our growing up process up to this moment was in nobody's control i.e it was a happening ?

Is it not true that our growing (bodily- from child to old) further in future as long as the body survive will be in nobody's control i.e it will be a happening ?

Is it not true that our so called death also will not be in anybody's control i.e it will be a happening ?

3. Breathing, Sleep, Digestion and body's other internal functions:

Is it not true that in this very moment the breathing (one of the four important factors i.e. breathing, water, food and sleep) which is most important for survival of the body, is in nobody's control i.e. it is happening?

Is it not true that the sleep (one of the four important factors i.e. breathing, water, food and sleep) is very important for survival of the body, is in nobody's control i.e. it is happening?

Is it not true that after we put water and food in the body whole of the digestive process is in nobody's control i.e. it is happening ?

Is it not true that there are a no. of continuously going on body's internal functions like beating of heart, flowing of blood, filtering of blood by kidneys, functioning of liver and lungs, etc. which are all vital for survival are in nobody's control i.e. they are all happenings?

4. Thinking:

Is it not true that the thinking which is also a very important process in our life is also not in nobody's control i.e. it is happening ? Can you stop your thinking even for a second ? Perhaps no.


From the above facts is it not clear that all the important phenomena which are compulsory for the life for continuing its manifestation through our body are in nobody's control i.e. all are happenings ?

What remains in our control:

The only thing which appears to be in our control is moving our motor organs (hands, legs, jaws, neck, tongue, etc.). This movement of our motor organs includes all of our activities like chewing, speaking, walking, going to office, discussing, etc.

Are they (movement of motor organs) really in our control ?:

If we enquire deeply about these actions which appear to be in our control, it can be easily found out that they are also not in our control because these actions are being controlled by so many outside factors out of which none of them appears to be in not our control.



This is whole film our of life. Think about that. Where does your feeling/ knowledge of "doership" survive?

My View:

I am of the view that spirituality is limited to nothing but "the verification whether do we have any control over our motor organs or not".

Monday, July 11, 2011



1. When you wake up in the morning please don't open your eyes.

Just feel (giving/ focusing attention) the whole body then the bed on which you slept whole night.

Slowly open your eyes look around your body.

Have a feel of the your body parts and the bed with your palm.

Get down from the bed and when your sole touch the floor feel it.

Go to toilet and when sitting in commode have a feel of commode and the floor.

When going to brush pick the brush and have a feel of touch with the brush with finger and inside mouth.

While taking shower feel the touch of water with the body.

While wiping the body with the towel feel the towel.

2. Principle---Break the action you are going to be involved in a no. of part as far as possible and give attention(feel) for every part as much as possible time-wise and intensity-wise.

3. Please do "remember the feeling of touch" even after the action is over in case you were absent at the time of action i.e. some other thoughts were present. Let the thoughts come and go.

"Before or during the action (if possible)", think whether you have a choice to do otherwise than what you are "going to do or doing".

4. Let me clarify what I mean by "whether you have a choice to do otherwise than what you are going" by way of an example.

Suppose you are hungry.

A thought related to this come to your mind. Is not it?

What do you do ? Go for some food to eat.

Suppose after eating you are no more hungry. You are fulfilled now.

The original thought of having some food remains no more there now. Is it not true?

That thought has lost its potency/load so far as affecting your action to take food is concerned.

What happened in this process is that now "you are free from the thought" of having some food. That thought will no more hound you.

5. If you somehow suppose you decided not to take food as you think that you have a choice to do other than taking food. What will happen? The thought of having food will still have the load/potency to affect your action and will be hounding you till that load is not gone by way of taking food. You will not feel free at all from that thought.

6. Hence what I mean by exercising choice is that if you opt for a choice other than what you were "going to do or doing", then you must feel free from the thought of "going to do or doing" earlier.

In this sense my experiences say that you have any choice.

7. Result-(There is possibility but not guaranteed)-- If you are consistent/earnest in approach so far as giving attention to the acts, within a few days or weeks or months a time/moment will come when a sudden/unexpected shift may happen and you will be able to know/realise that "Even without making your effort the acts are being done perfectly as it should have been done in a given circumstances".

Once you get the knack, go on verifying this (Everything is happening on its own effortlessly) fact in all of your activities.

You will be stunned/amazed/puzzled to realise this phenomenon.

8. This will prove to be a clear indication of of "your" non-existence. Hence you are not a doer. Nothing is in your control.You don't have any choice.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

What is in your control or what is that which you can do ?

What is in your control or what is that which you can do ?

Let us examine the whole film of our so called life step by step.

1. Conceiving:

Is it not true that our parents did not meet specifically to produce us. They were enjoying the act of meeting of two bodies trying to become one but we got conceived without they being aware of our conceiving date and time ? Was not that a happening i.e. our conceiving was in nobody's control ?

2. Birth and Death:

Is it not true that our phenomenon of growing for 9 months in the womb was in nobody's control i.e that was a happening ?

Is it not true that our birth was in nobody's control i.e that was a happening ?

Is it not true that our growing up process up to this moment was in nobody's control i.e it was a happening ?

Is it not true that our growing (bodily- from child to old) further in future as long as the body survive will be in nobody's control i.e it will be a happening ?

Is it not true that our so called death also will not be in anybody's control i.e it will be a happening ?

3. Breathing, Sleep, Digestion and body's other internal functions:

Is it not true that in this very moment the breathing (one of the four important factors i.e. breathing, water, food and sleep) which is most important for survival of the body, is in nobody's control i.e. it is happening?

Is it not true that the sleep (one of the four important factors i.e. breathing, water, food and sleep) is very important for survival of the body, is in nobody's control i.e. it is happening?

Is it not true that after we put water and food in the body whole of the digestive process is in nobody's control i.e. it is happening ?

Is it not true that there are a no. of continuously going on body's internal functions like beating of heart, flowing of blood, filtering of blood by kidneys, functioning of liver and lungs, etc. which are all vital for survival are in nobody's control i.e. they are all happenings?

4. Thinking:

Is it not true that the thinking which is also a very important process in our life is also not in nobody's control i.e. it is happening ? Can you stop your thinking even for a second ? Perhaps no.


From the above facts is it not clear that all the important phenomena which are compulsory for the life for continuing its manifestation through our body are in nobody's control i.e. all are happenings ?

What remains in our control:

The only thing which appears to be in our control is moving our motor organs (hands, legs, jaws, neck, tongue, etc.). This movement of our motor organs includes all of our activities like chewing, speaking, walking, going to office, discussing, etc.

Are they (movement of motor organs) really in our control ?:

If we enquire deeply about these actions which appear to be in our control, it can be easily found out that they are also not in our control because these actions are being controlled by so many outside factors out of which none of them appears to be in not our control.



This is whole film our of life. Think about that. Where does your feeling/ knowledge of "doership" survive?

My View:

I am of the view that spirituality is limited to nothing but "the verification whether do we have any control over our motor organs or not".

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Why Drugs ?


Let us analyse.

1. What is the basis on which happiness is recognised?-On comparison of Thoughts.

2. How thoughts are generated?- They are simply interpretations of impulses when reach to brain by the trained/conditioned brain cells.

3. How these impulses are created?-Due to various outer (includes body) factors/stimuli.

4. What are the stimuli/outer factors?- Flow of blood in the body, bombardment by sounds (include all the verbal communications), bombardment by reflected lights (seeing the things), similarly bombardments on taste,touch and smell. All these creates impulses which are transported to brain by the various nerves of the body.

5. For what the nervous system is basically meant for?- This is meant for various parts of the body to communicate with each other and for communication of outer information for the purpose of search of water and food and in a situation where body needs to be defend itself.

6. What about the informations more than needed for survival of the body?-If the informations more than meant for, is loaded/fed it creates stress for the body whether it is happiness or unhappiness. The body is not concerned with the thoughts at all. It wants to remain as it has come into the existence i.e. like child. But society feed so much informations that the nervous system has to cope with as there is no way out and in this process ( thought based needs in stead of body based need ) the nervous system gets drained which we call stress and strain.

7. What is the solution to come out of the stressed situation?- There is an inbuilt mechanism in the body.

The body produces energy and that energy is available to each part of the body to function.The energy produced was never meant to "handle/getting converted into" so many unnecessary thoughts (body does not need these thoughts), but there is no way out.

The brain of a normal human being consumes 20% of total energy produced by the body, although the brain is hardly 2% of the body weight.

The body is very intelligence (the whole intelligence is in the body not the mind. The body use the so called mind for expressing/communicating.)

For body its survival is more important than the generation of thoughts. There come a time when the energy left with the body is just sufficient for survival (for functioning of its various parts), the cuts the supply to the nervous system and maintain the supply to the minimum necessary for its survival. When this happens the after effect we call it sleep.

However in sleep the brain-mind still consumes energy (REM) in the formation of dreams (This energy represents the unfulfilled desires) which is nothing but throwing away of accumulated energy which are stuck up in the system and creating hurdles in smooth flow of energy in the system, which is basically recharging/ rejuvination /relaxation of whole body so that in the morning it is ready to face another day.

We want the same state of nervous system i.e. relaxed state in waking state also, but there is no way to do it without outer help.

Hence yoga, meditation, etc came into the picture. In this the consumption of mental energy gets reduced and the stressed nervous system (stressed due to supplying of more and more energy which were getting converted into thoughts not needed by the system) starts relaxing and we can feel the relaxation even in awaken state.

In this process there comes a stage when we are neither awake nor asleep (Lucid) the body starts throwing the stuck up energy in the form of various visions (they are dreams only).

We have given so many beautiful holy names visions of beyond, God, Goddess, etc..

After this process gets over we feel very much rejuvenated, in fact more than sleep. Therefore, we want more and more such such relaxation and related visions to occur and in this way we become addicted to this.

But in fact these visions are nothing but throwing away of stuck up energy.

Nothing holy is there as there is no holy at all. All are bodily phenomenon.

But this process (yoga and meditation) takes too much time to relax the nervous system.

Hence people try to induce similar state of nervous system with the help of various drugs. But the right amount of drug is very difficult to decide, as with the passage of time the demand of drug goes on with the change in the body.

But at the same time once tasted the relaxation of that type one becomes habituated.

Hence the demand for the drug and alcohol.

Who does not want t throw out the unnecessary garbage(uncalled for thoughts)?

There are two types of thoughts, positive and negative.

Both types are problems for nervous system.

In fact you can get rid of negative thoughts, but nobody wants to get rid of positive thoughts, as they are like gold chains. Hence, positive thoughts are more problematic than the negative ones.

This is the summary of GITA.

Summary of Giita explained- A New perspective

A child is born with the body (chariot) having five sense organs (five horses) who are untrained/unsynchronised because of absence of mind.

The life manifesting as child is nothing but Krishna (pure awareness) itself .

In absence of mind sense organs start functioning without following any specific direction as the co-ordinator (trained brain-mind) has not developed.

The child starts getting informations and the brain cells start getting training and simultaneously the sense organs also start getting synchronized with the little mind which has developed in the child .

Further simultaneously the attachment (Ego or Arjuna) takes birth with the development of mind.

By the passage of time due to more informations and development of further softwares, the attachment also grows and become strong i.e. Arjuna (Ego) getting established/matured as per the training imparted by the outside factors (society) .

Further Arjuna/Ego on his own also puts more and more inputs or have more and more experiences making it (Ego) further strong.

Alongwith the mind the body (chariot) also comes to maturity, say at the age of about 21 years. However he (Arjuna/Ego) is totally unaware about its (Krishna) nature.

Here due to habits (unconscious behavior) the sense organs still function without any direction as the person even after maturity, does not ask the question “whether these sense organs are meant for his use or what, as no such input to ask such questions was ever fed into the system.”

He does not bother/question till date (as on today) what is the purpose behind the whole drama of the so called creations. He is as unconscious (slumber) as others are.

He is in the stage of sudra (servicing to the sense organs).

Somehow in this person the intense desire of knowing/finding out/searching the answers of existential questions (who I am, where I am, why I am,etc.) becomes "prominent/priority of life".

Then he starts the search and he is known as seeker.

This we can say "He is at the level of Arjuna and now ready/prepared to face Krishna".

He tries to find out a person (Guru/Master etc.) as per informations fed into the system.

This is nothing but unknowingly searching Krishna (his own self which he actually is) in physical form as he is not aware about something which is beyond the grasp of sense organs.

He may start enquiring on his own as per his understanding.

Here Mahabharata (all sorts of mental and physical gymnastics as suggested by the Guru/Master or as per his understanding) starts happening.

This we can say "He (Arjuna) is in the stage of kshatriya.

The awareness/Krishna that he is (he is not aware about this fact), is of different dimension than the physical form which is known to him.

Feeling of presence of awareness through inner/outer Guru (singing of Gita) starts happening. Whenever the ego gets reduced/understanding starts happening, but due to strong attachment (Ego) he repeatedly forgets himself.

This goes on for a long time.

This we can say "This period represents the time taken by Krishna in delivering the whole Gita before Arjuna."

Krishna tried all sorts of ways/methods to make Arjuna understands that you are ME, but in vain.

Arjuna was slipping to the trough again and again and was not able to understand what Krishna was trying to convey through various methods like Suddha Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Karma Yoga and Gyana Yoga.

If somehow the total understanding (he is already that which he was seeking or he has never been out from that state or it was his misunderstanding that he was body-mind structure only or everything is happening on its own or nobody is doer) happens (enlightenment) to the person his all questions come to not as all were existing due to not knowing his true nature.

He now becomes Brahmin ( Dwij i.e. who takes second birth) i.e. he knew that he is already Brahman.

This stage represents the showing of Vishwaswarupa by Krishna after which Arjuna as ego gets annihilated on realizing his true nature as Brahman.

The name(word) Arjuna/I remains for name sake and has its utility value but without attachment (load due to misunderstanding).

Now he now knows that he is no other than Krishna (awareness) .

This is the summary of GITA.