Friday, April 1, 2011

What is happening (What are we doing) ?

What is happening (What are we doing) ?

"In all the states of awareness(except deep sleep state i.e. non-REM sate) we are "unconsciously/unknowingly" engaged in trying to "get rid of/free ourself from" thoughts/desires (spiritual thoughts/desires included) by way of fulfilling those thoughts/desires which are continuously welling up/appearing in our 'mind/consciousness' ."

Take simple examples to understand this happening.

In the morning after waking up "a thought" related to "having a cup of tea" appears and it gets expressed when we ask somebody “whether tea is ready ?”. If the answer come “yes” then that thought ( "having a cup of tea" ) gets annihilated/fulfilled and we become free from that thought/desire.

If answer comes “no” then another thought appears and gets expressed as “what is the problem ?”. It ( the next thought) again gets annihilated/fulfilled by another answer and we become free from that thought/desire again.

This series of processes (appearing of thoughts/desires--expressing/thinking of thoughts/desires--getting freedom/relieved from thoughts/desires) goes on continuously without any break even for a second/ moment as long as we are awake or in dream, albeit without we being/remaining aware of such happening.

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