Sunday, July 3, 2011

This is the summary of GITA.

Summary of Giita explained- A New perspective

A child is born with the body (chariot) having five sense organs (five horses) who are untrained/unsynchronised because of absence of mind.

The life manifesting as child is nothing but Krishna (pure awareness) itself .

In absence of mind sense organs start functioning without following any specific direction as the co-ordinator (trained brain-mind) has not developed.

The child starts getting informations and the brain cells start getting training and simultaneously the sense organs also start getting synchronized with the little mind which has developed in the child .

Further simultaneously the attachment (Ego or Arjuna) takes birth with the development of mind.

By the passage of time due to more informations and development of further softwares, the attachment also grows and become strong i.e. Arjuna (Ego) getting established/matured as per the training imparted by the outside factors (society) .

Further Arjuna/Ego on his own also puts more and more inputs or have more and more experiences making it (Ego) further strong.

Alongwith the mind the body (chariot) also comes to maturity, say at the age of about 21 years. However he (Arjuna/Ego) is totally unaware about its (Krishna) nature.

Here due to habits (unconscious behavior) the sense organs still function without any direction as the person even after maturity, does not ask the question “whether these sense organs are meant for his use or what, as no such input to ask such questions was ever fed into the system.”

He does not bother/question till date (as on today) what is the purpose behind the whole drama of the so called creations. He is as unconscious (slumber) as others are.

He is in the stage of sudra (servicing to the sense organs).

Somehow in this person the intense desire of knowing/finding out/searching the answers of existential questions (who I am, where I am, why I am,etc.) becomes "prominent/priority of life".

Then he starts the search and he is known as seeker.

This we can say "He is at the level of Arjuna and now ready/prepared to face Krishna".

He tries to find out a person (Guru/Master etc.) as per informations fed into the system.

This is nothing but unknowingly searching Krishna (his own self which he actually is) in physical form as he is not aware about something which is beyond the grasp of sense organs.

He may start enquiring on his own as per his understanding.

Here Mahabharata (all sorts of mental and physical gymnastics as suggested by the Guru/Master or as per his understanding) starts happening.

This we can say "He (Arjuna) is in the stage of kshatriya.

The awareness/Krishna that he is (he is not aware about this fact), is of different dimension than the physical form which is known to him.

Feeling of presence of awareness through inner/outer Guru (singing of Gita) starts happening. Whenever the ego gets reduced/understanding starts happening, but due to strong attachment (Ego) he repeatedly forgets himself.

This goes on for a long time.

This we can say "This period represents the time taken by Krishna in delivering the whole Gita before Arjuna."

Krishna tried all sorts of ways/methods to make Arjuna understands that you are ME, but in vain.

Arjuna was slipping to the trough again and again and was not able to understand what Krishna was trying to convey through various methods like Suddha Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Karma Yoga and Gyana Yoga.

If somehow the total understanding (he is already that which he was seeking or he has never been out from that state or it was his misunderstanding that he was body-mind structure only or everything is happening on its own or nobody is doer) happens (enlightenment) to the person his all questions come to not as all were existing due to not knowing his true nature.

He now becomes Brahmin ( Dwij i.e. who takes second birth) i.e. he knew that he is already Brahman.

This stage represents the showing of Vishwaswarupa by Krishna after which Arjuna as ego gets annihilated on realizing his true nature as Brahman.

The name(word) Arjuna/I remains for name sake and has its utility value but without attachment (load due to misunderstanding).

Now he now knows that he is no other than Krishna (awareness) .

This is the summary of GITA.

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