Wednesday, June 27, 2012



What came first in the world - The body.

By what you are first recognised/identified in the world even if you are uneducated/fool/stupid/deaf/dumb/blind/etc. - The Body.

Is there any doubt ?

After the birth the next which happened was the training of sense organs alongwith the nervous system and their synchronization.

There is no alphabet/word/sentence as such.

They are the sounds produced by the vocal cord as per training imparted to sense organs and brain cells as mentioned above.

The alphabets/words/sentences are interpretations by the brain cells of various impulses being continuously involuntarily (nobody has control over that) fed to the brain cells via sense organs and nerves combined together.

These are all concepts used for none other than for communication purpose.

Hence whatsoever has been spoken or written on any subject till date are concepts only.

All experiences expressed, howsoever holy they may be , without any exception are interpretations only.

Without the activities of brain cells neither anything can be experienced nor expressed as sound or written as word or in any form/manner.

Can any unconscious (brain not working normally as it should be) person express anything including the so called God-realisation / enlightenment etc. ?

The answer is perhaps simply NO.

Is the body in any way interested in what has passed away or what is happening in the present or what is going to happen in future ?

Is it not living moment to moment i.e. HERE NOW, without having any concern of any of our concepts?

Does it not appear that all what we are discussing are only due to training imparted to the brain cells ?

Would any of so called your activities have been possible without the existence of the body ?

Is it not obvious from the above facts that the normal/natural functioning of the body is the primary thing which requires our maximum attention ?

Are we doing that?

Perhaps NO.

We not only are giving more attention to the so called conceptual mind which does not exist as such, but hankering for attention too for the mind as if we are mind.


What came first in the world - The body.

By what you are first recognised/identified in the world even if you are uneducated/fool/stupid/deaf/dumb/blind/etc. - The Body.

Is there any doubt ?

After the birth the next which happened was the training of sense organs alongwith the nervous system and their synchronization.

There is no alphabet/word/sentence as such. 

They are the sounds produced by the vocal cord as per training imparted to sense organs and brain cells as mentioned above.

The alphabets/words/sentences are interpretations by the brain cells of various impulses being continuously involuntarily (nobody has control over that) fed to the brain cells via sense organs and nerves combined together.

These are all concepts used for none other than for communication purpose.

Hence whatsoever has been spoken or written on any subject till date are concepts only.

All experiences expressed, howsoever holy they may be , without any exception are interpretations only.

Without the activities of brain cells neither anything can be experienced nor expressed as sound or written as word or in any form/manner.

Can any unconscious (brain not working normally as it should be) person express anything including the so called God-realisation / enlightenment etc. ?

The answer is perhaps simply NO.

Is the body in any way interested in what has passed away or what is happening in the present or what is going to happen in future ?

Is it not living moment to moment i.e. HERE NOW, without having any concern of any of our concepts?

Does it not appear that all what we are discussing are only due to training imparted to the brain cells ?

Would any of so called your activities have been possible without the existence of the body ?

Is it not obvious from the above facts that the normal/natural functioning of the body is the primary thing which requires our maximum attention ?

Are we doing that?

Perhaps NO.

We not only are giving more attention to the so called conceptual mind which does not exist as such, but hankering for attention too for the mind as if we are mind.

Monday, June 4, 2012



Why most of the people all over the world especially among the civilized and educated ones go on thinking, writing, reading, talking, emphasizing, sharing, discussing, lecturing, preaching and etc. etc. on/of/for the so called LOVE ????

It appears as if the so called LOVE is either missing from the world (at least in their case) or has gone on long vacation.

Otherwise what is need of so much fuss about this so called LOVE which perhaps has never been absent being the cohesive force of the universe??

All the things (known/unknown) right from atom/ energy/ consciousness level to stellar level


existing in perfect harmony with each other due to the presence of the force conceptualized as LOVE/LIFE.

The force of gravity is obvious and observable proof/evidence of its presence.

Perhaps there is no way that anything or anyone can ever be without love.

But if this so called LOVE is being

discussed / talked / preached / searched / studied / read / shared / written


the only inference can be drawn is


this item labeled as LOVE either is in scarce quantity (demand and supply balance is badly disturbed)




has gone on long vacation


we have failed to understand it.


Why  most of the people all over the world especially among the civilized and educated ones go on thinking, writing, reading, talking, emphasizing, sharing, discussing, lecturing, preaching and etc. etc.   on/of/for the so called LOVE ????

It appears as if the so called LOVE is either missing from the world (at least in their case) or has gone on long vacation. 

Otherwise what is need of so much fuss about this so called LOVE which perhaps has never been absent being the cohesive force of the universe??

All the things (known/unknown) right from atom/ energy/ consciousness level to stellar level 


existing in perfect harmony with each other due to the presence of  the force conceptualized as LOVE/LIFE. 

The force of gravity is obvious and observable proof/evidence of its presence. 

Perhaps there is no way that anything or anyone can ever be without love.  


But if this so called LOVE is being 

discussed / talked / preached / searched / studied / read / shared / written  


the only inference can be drawn is 


this  item labeled as LOVE either is in scarce quantity (demand and supply balance is badly disturbed)  




has gone on long vacation 


we have failed to understand it.



All this fuss of search/seeking in spiritual jargon presupposes the existence of one who has to search, the object of search and the method/technique employed in search.

This makes sense while searching outside including the body....may be even mind for the time being.

But does it make any sense while "searching oneself"?

The phrase "searching oneself" itself is nonsensical as the very basic requirement of any search i.e. the existence of object is altogether missing in this as the seeker is seeking itself. A pure non-sense.

Although no one can help perhaps nor it it is required at all in the so called knowing oneself but fortunate or unfortunate part is that the so called seeker cannot stop seeking him-her/self as all of his/her actions are perhaps happening purely under the influence of conditioning, genes and prevailing circumstances in the moment.


All this fuss of search/seeking in spiritual jargon presupposes the existence of one who has to search, the object of search and the method/technique employed in search. 

This makes sense while searching outside including the body....may be even mind for the time being. 

But does it make any sense while "searching oneself"? 

The phrase "searching oneself" itself is nonsensical as the very basic requirement of any search i.e. the existence of object is altogether missing in this as the seeker is seeking itself. A pure non-sense.

Although no one can help perhaps nor it it is required at all in the so called knowing oneself but fortunate or unfortunate part is that the so called seeker cannot stop seeking him-her/self as all of his/her actions are perhaps happening purely under the influence of conditioning, genes and prevailing circumstances in the moment.


All the wise ones try to make you understand all the aspects of conceptual bondage/maya (misunderstanding) in the garb of making you liberated (free from bondage/maya).

They try to do that by way of using various other simple concepts.

In a sense the complex concepts that are possessing you are made simple.

Perhaps a moment comes when the concepts become so simple that all of a sudden you realise that you were having just an impression/idea that there existed something like liberation and you were never in bondage at all.

In ultimate sense perhaps there is neither anything nor anyone who wants liberation/freedom , but even if there is anyone the liberation/bondage is simply a concept appearing due to influence of conditioning.

Photo: All the wise ones try to make you understand all the aspects of conceptual bondage/maya (misunderstanding) in the garb of making you liberated (free from bondage/maya).

They try to do that by way of using various other simple concepts. 

In a sense the complex concepts that are possessing you are made simple.

Perhaps a moment comes when the concepts become so simple that all of a sudden you realise that you were having just an impression/idea that there existed  something like liberation and you were never in bondage at all.

In ultimate sense  perhaps there is neither anything nor anyone who wants liberation/freedom , but even if there is anyone the liberation/bondage is simply a concept appearing due to influence of conditioning.



Thinking and making effort are continuous process....inseparable. If one ceases to happen another will also cease to happen.

For example do you ever think about breathing ? No, because it is happening effortlessly.

Imagine a situation where everything is available as freely and effortlessly as breathing.

In such a given situation can you find a person who would not be interested to opt for free and effortlessly available of all the things for which all the efforts(whether the so called material or spiritual) we are making continuously ?

It means making effort in thinking also ceases to happen in case of effortlessness.

In a sense or at subtle level perhaps we all have desire to come out from the compulsive thinking and establish ourselves in effortless state like we were enjoying effortlessness in the womb for 9 months where everything was available without any effort.

Thinking and making effort are continuous process....inseparable. If one ceases to happen another will also cease to happen.

For example do you ever think about breathing ? No, because it is happening effortlessly. 

Imagine a situation where everything is available as freely and effortlessly as breathing.  

In such a given situation can you find a person who would not be interested to opt for free and effortlessly available of all the things for which all the efforts(whether the so called material or spiritual) we are making continuously ?
It means making effort in thinking also ceases to happen in case of effortlessness. 

In a sense or at subtle level perhaps we all have desire to come out from the compulsive thinking and establish ourselves in effortless state like we were enjoying effortlessness in the womb for 9 months where everything was available without any effort.



When a person looses his/her memory due to hardware(brain) problems, the last resort taken by the doctors is to give electric shock.

The doctors give electric shock to such persons out of compassion (Karuna) only.

Similarly why the shock therapy should not be used in spiritual realm where it is said that we have forgotten that we are God/Atma/Immortal ??

This is perhaps software problems.

The whole purpose of all the efforts made by the Masters are to make us remember our true nature i.e. God/Atma/Immortal


for that the Masters/Gurus use the shock therapy, not the electric one as that is beneficial in case of memory loss due to hardware (brain) problems.

Among all systems ZEN is the best. Perhaps next comes the Gurdjieff way...sudden "STOP" in any intense action.



The conditioning is an ongoing process in the existence.

Everything known or known are continuously being conditioned as there is no other way too.

In human and similar other life forms the conditioning starts from the moment the sperm and the ova are produced in the respective bodies.

However, the impressions (memory/trained cells) of the conditioning up to the so called birth (coming out of the womb) are not stored in the conscious part ( if there is any such part/division).

Storing of memory in conscious part happens by societal conditioning which is based on verbal language as well as body language.

Our actions are continuously getting influenced by such stored memory, albeit without we being aware of this memory.

Now the scientific research has also confirmed that the child starts learning in the womb itself.

There is no way not to get conditioned and not to get influenced by such conditioning.

Perhaps the only choice we have is that up to certain extent we can understand the way conditioning happens and understand that all of our actions are happening under the influence of conditioning and genes and other known/unknown factors/circumstances.