Friday, April 15, 2011

U.G.Krishnamurti Quotes

U.G.Krishnamurti Quotes

1. A messiah is the one who leaves a mess behind him in this world.

2. Religions have promised roses but you end up with only thorns.

3. Going to the pub or the temple is exactly the same; it is quick fix.

4. The body has no independent existence. You are a squatter there.

5. All experiences however extraordinary they may be are in the area of sensuality.

6. Man cannot be anything other than what he is. Whatever he is, he will create a society that mirrors him.

7. Love and hate are not opposite ends of the same spectrum; they are one and the same thing. They are much closer than kissing cousins.

8. By using the models of Jesus, Buddha, or Krishna we have destroyed the possibility of nature throwing up unique individuals.

9. It would be more interesting to learn from children, than try to teach them how to behave, how to live and how to function.

10. All I can guarantee you is that as long as you are searching for happiness, you will remain unhappy.

11. You eat not food but ideas. What you wear are not clothes, but labels and names.

12. The plain fact is that if you don’t have a problem, you create one. If you don’t have a problem you don’t feel that you are living.

13. That messy thing called ‘mind’ has created many destructive things. By far the most destructive of them all is God.

14. Atmospheric pollution is most harmless when compared to the spiritual and religious pollution that have plagued the world.

15. Nature is busy creating absolutely unique individuals, where as culture has invented a single mold to which all must conform. It is grotesque.

U.G Krishnamurti, an enigma--a person who defies all classifications--a philosopher, a Non-guru, guru, call him what you may. His words and images will infect your mind like a virus.

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