Saturday, April 2, 2011

ZEN is the Antidote Everybody is Needing Unconsciously

ZEN is the Antidote Everybody is Needing Unconsciously

Conducting a university course, a famous psychiatrist was asked by a student,

"Sir, you have told us about the abnormal person and his behavior, but what about the normal person?"

"When we find him," replied the psychiatrist, "we cure him."

[The society goes on curing "normal" people.

Every child is born normal ; then the society cures him.

Then he becomes "abnormal".

He becomes Hindu, Mohammedan, Christian, Communist, Catholic...there are so many kinds of neurosis in the world.

One can choose, one can shop for whatever kind of neurosis he/she wants.

Society creates all kinds; all sizes and shapes of neurosis are available, to everybody's liking.]

Zen cures you of your abnormality.

It makes you again normal, it makes you again ordinary.

It does not make you a saint, remember.

It does not make you a holy person, remember.

It simply makes you an ordinary person -- takes you back to your nature, back to your source.

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