Friday, April 1, 2011



Once there was a king. His wife was very religious as per social parameters. She regularly used to go to meet a Guru and have satsang.

Onthe other hand the king was dead against all these things.

His wife used to pray to her Guru so that the king could also follow the path she was following as all spouses want.

The Prime Minister of king was very soft spoken gentlemen. He was known for having all the so called good qualities which are expected from a good human being in the society.

One day one of the disciple of that Guru said his Guru that the king is very irreligious person while the prime minister a religious person.

The Guru did not say anything but gave him one of his books and asked him to go the palace to give the book to the king. He further told him not speak a word and to narrate what happened there,after his return.

As directed the disciple went to the palace with the book. He entered inside the main hall of the palace where everbody including king,his wife,all ministers, etc. were sitting.

He humbly folded his hands before the king and said " Sir, my Master has sent me to deliver one of his books to you . Please accept it."

The wife of the king was very happy and thought that her husband will gladly accept the book written by her Guru.

But opposite happened.

The king as he was dead against all these things, became furious and threw the book immediately and told the disciple to get out from the palace immediately. He also scolded his wife for that non-sense in front of everybody.

But the revered prime minister picked up the book very gently and said to the king " Sir, in what way this book can harm you. This is nothing but scriblings on the paper. I will keep it in our liabrary and let it remain lying there. The problem is solved."

The king agreed with him and the book was kept in the library.

As the disciple was forbidden to open his mouth before the king he could not say a single word and went out of the palace after wishing the king and others.

After he came back to Guru, the guru asked him about that he watched there. He narrated the whole things and said that the prime minister is really a very religious person.

The Guru disagreed with him and said" The most religious among all is the king and the most irreliogious is the prime minister."

The disciple could not understand and asked his Guru to explain.

The guru said that "the strong reaction of the king shows that something entered to his deepest core of teh mind. This is a clear indication of his total openness which is the only symptom of a religious person.

The prime minister on the other hand not only showed no reaction (he was very comfortable wihh the situation) but what he said is important. This shows that he is a totally closed minded person which is the symptom of an irreligious person.


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