Your whole life you have being searching and trying to fulfill this longing inside with something from outside.
Now, when you are searching for a master you are actually again searching for the same thing.
You are missing something inside and you have now some spiritual ideas given by others of how to fulfill it.
The main problem is that you have a "basic misunderstanding about what you are missing."
You have "this constant longing inside for something that you don’t know."
Then your mind goes on searching and trying to find out what is missing there.
During this search you get so many different answers from so many people and one of them is that you should find a master.
After trying everything in the worldly life without getting the results, somebody tells you that you should go into the spiritual path, where you can follow some master who will take you to enlightenment and you will feel totally fulfilled.
So, you come with this idea that enlightenment is a state of permanent happiness, permanent joy, permanent fulfillment and permanent bliss and you look for a master who can guide you, who can help you towards how to get this.
When you find the master you become his disciple and you start following him. So you remain as his disciple hoping that if you follow what he says you will become enlightened.
My understanding is that "you are deceiving yourself because somewhere you do not understand what you are missing."
"Your mind is the point that is constantly deceiving you, so you do not come to the right point where you really understand this longing inside."
"That is why you keep asking the master how to become permanently happy and how to become permanently fulfilled."
"You want to know how to become enlightened and with this desire to become enlightened you don’t see that even there with the master, you are asking how to “become”.
You don’t understand that in this search, “becoming” itself is the problem.
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