Friday, April 1, 2011

Mirroring your unconsciousness

1. While praying we say " O Lord! you are present everywhere ( including everybody's heart"). In spiritual discussion same thing we say that the God is omnipresent. But in action this thought is never reflected.

Take an example- A person when opens his shop or enters his office he prays before the statues/photos of gods kept in the shop/office. If any client/visitor enters the shop/office after his prayer/worship is over , his behaviour of cheating the customer/visitor shows that "God is not present there and HE is not seeing the whole phony drama played by that person".

2. We say that the God is all-knowing ( antaryami). If he knows everything, then he must be knowing everybody's problem also. But our praying (Action) itself indicates that HE is not aware of your problems because most of our prayer are nothing but demands either material or spiritual.

Some of the people who are very clever in his talk will say that they don't ask God for anything but peace. Their desire for peace in itself is proof that they are not at peace either with themselves or with others. Why don't they try to find out the reasons for disturbance of peace in stead of praying to imaginary Gods which is our own creation.

The peace is not something which can be achieved. In fact there are some factors which are disturbing the peace which is our true nature . This can be felt by others when we are asleep/unconscious i.e. when we are out of clutches of desires(holy or unholy).

The above is ample proof that what we think is different from what we speak and what is reflected in action. There is no synchronisation among our thought, speech and action. This is bound to produce what we get tensed life.

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