Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Why Drugs ?


Let us analyse.

1. What is the basis on which happiness is recognised?-On comparison of Thoughts.

2. How thoughts are generated?- They are simply interpretations of impulses when reach to brain by the trained/conditioned brain cells.

3. How these impulses are created?-Due to various outer (includes body) factors/stimuli.

4. What are the stimuli/outer factors?- Flow of blood in the body, bombardment by sounds (include all the verbal communications), bombardment by reflected lights (seeing the things), similarly bombardments on taste,touch and smell. All these creates impulses which are transported to brain by the various nerves of the body.

5. For what the nervous system is basically meant for?- This is meant for various parts of the body to communicate with each other and for communication of outer information for the purpose of search of water and food and in a situation where body needs to be defend itself.

6. What about the informations more than needed for survival of the body?-If the informations more than meant for, is loaded/fed it creates stress for the body whether it is happiness or unhappiness. The body is not concerned with the thoughts at all. It wants to remain as it has come into the existence i.e. like child. But society feed so much informations that the nervous system has to cope with as there is no way out and in this process ( thought based needs in stead of body based need ) the nervous system gets drained which we call stress and strain.

7. What is the solution to come out of the stressed situation?- There is an inbuilt mechanism in the body.

The body produces energy and that energy is available to each part of the body to function.The energy produced was never meant to "handle/getting converted into" so many unnecessary thoughts (body does not need these thoughts), but there is no way out.

The brain of a normal human being consumes 20% of total energy produced by the body, although the brain is hardly 2% of the body weight.

The body is very intelligence (the whole intelligence is in the body not the mind. The body use the so called mind for expressing/communicating.)

For body its survival is more important than the generation of thoughts. There come a time when the energy left with the body is just sufficient for survival (for functioning of its various parts), the cuts the supply to the nervous system and maintain the supply to the minimum necessary for its survival. When this happens the after effect we call it sleep.

However in sleep the brain-mind still consumes energy (REM) in the formation of dreams (This energy represents the unfulfilled desires) which is nothing but throwing away of accumulated energy which are stuck up in the system and creating hurdles in smooth flow of energy in the system, which is basically recharging/ rejuvination /relaxation of whole body so that in the morning it is ready to face another day.

We want the same state of nervous system i.e. relaxed state in waking state also, but there is no way to do it without outer help.

Hence yoga, meditation, etc came into the picture. In this the consumption of mental energy gets reduced and the stressed nervous system (stressed due to supplying of more and more energy which were getting converted into thoughts not needed by the system) starts relaxing and we can feel the relaxation even in awaken state.

In this process there comes a stage when we are neither awake nor asleep (Lucid) the body starts throwing the stuck up energy in the form of various visions (they are dreams only).

We have given so many beautiful holy names visions of beyond, God, Goddess, etc..

After this process gets over we feel very much rejuvenated, in fact more than sleep. Therefore, we want more and more such such relaxation and related visions to occur and in this way we become addicted to this.

But in fact these visions are nothing but throwing away of stuck up energy.

Nothing holy is there as there is no holy at all. All are bodily phenomenon.

But this process (yoga and meditation) takes too much time to relax the nervous system.

Hence people try to induce similar state of nervous system with the help of various drugs. But the right amount of drug is very difficult to decide, as with the passage of time the demand of drug goes on with the change in the body.

But at the same time once tasted the relaxation of that type one becomes habituated.

Hence the demand for the drug and alcohol.

Who does not want t throw out the unnecessary garbage(uncalled for thoughts)?

There are two types of thoughts, positive and negative.

Both types are problems for nervous system.

In fact you can get rid of negative thoughts, but nobody wants to get rid of positive thoughts, as they are like gold chains. Hence, positive thoughts are more problematic than the negative ones.

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