Thursday, August 29, 2013



Let us understand some basics/roots.

Wherever demand of involvement of body is more important than the mind such crimes are bound to happen.

Let me try to explain.

Why the path of Bhakti and the path of Raj (Siddha) not effective now-a-days ?

There is no clear cut demarcation among Bhakti path, Raj (Siddha) path and Gyan path.

Every path contains qualities of all the paths but in different ratio.

The name is assigned on the basis of dominance of qualities of the path being given name.

The requirements/qualities in the person taking the various paths are as under:

Bhakti- Important requirements are-Innocence like child, simplicity and trusting mind.

Raj (Siddha) -- Important requirements are- Availability of enough spare time for asnas, pranayama, meditation, etc. as expounded by Patanjali. A fixed calm place for sadhna. Following a rigorous discipline as given by the Guru. There is always a chance to go astray if a real Master of Siddha tradition is not the Guru. This path is capable of giving rise to Spiritual Ego (especially when siddhies start manifesting) which is more dangerous and powerful than the normal ego.

Gyan – (direct path) -- Important requirements are- Study of various scriptures, discussion with the fellow travelers and Masters (like Upanishadic Era), etc. with utmost consciousness. Remaining conscious/alert is the key.

In this era of science the mind is doubtful in nature and is full of information due to various reasons. We are so attached to the mind that the mind is behaving like master instead of servant of this body who took it for its smooth survival. The mind/person does not remain simple at all. The innocence is not seen in the waking state at all. Hence, the question of trust does not arise. Therefore surrendering does not happen effortlessly. The so called surrendering is no surrendering at all. However exception may be there. In the name of trust only beliefs and faith are existing. Hence Bhakti path in not effective as it is not suitable for almost all the persons in this yuga/era.

So ar as the Raj(Siddha) path is concerned this is the most difficult path to be followed due to the requirements/preconditions mentioned above. Nobody has enough time for sadhna or a calm suitable place for that. Scarcity/unreliability of real guru of Siddha tradition is another major factor.

Hence the most suitable path in this era of science is nothing but undoubtly the Gyan path. The basic programme of the mind is logic. In this path, mind which is the only instrument available for all the paths, is used at maximum.

Now coming to the crimes the maximum crimes happen in path of Bhakti (beliefs and faith) followed by Raj and then Karma.

In Gyan path happening of crime is very difficult as the chance of involvement of body i.e. touching the disciples body by Masters/Gurus, with Masters/Gurus is very remote...almost impossible. And this path has no pre-requirements/conditions attached.

However, the so called Gurus/Masters are not the root of the problem.

These poor fellows are fruits of the trees we irrigate and fertilise and the trees are the the so called paths other than Gyan Path (Tark and vitark, discussion,debate, etc).

Have you ever heard such type of crimes happening on this path/way ?

Such crimes generally happen on the tree of Bhakti and Raj Yoga (Kundalini, Tantra, Yoga, etc.).

We ourselves are responsible.

Our desires take us to such Gurus/Masters of Bhakti and Raj because hardly any mental effort is required there in comparison to Gyan Path, at least not at all in Bhakti.

We must understand that the religion/spirituality has do with mind and mind only and in present day everyone's mind has become so strong that only this mind is required to be deployed intensely so that it looses its energy stuck in beliefs or doubts so that finally understanding dawns upon. And for that Gyan marg is the only solution.

Bhakti being the easiest from mental energy spending point of view, is not suitable at all.

What is the solution ???

Scientific approach is needed otherwise......

The mind is so programmed that it cannot think of doing anything without expectation. The existence of expectation of something itself shows that the person lacks that thing.

In a sense existence of expectation is a dis-ease (lacking something or emptiness).

For example a healthy person does not think of going to doctor because there is no symptom of unhealthiness. But what an unhealthy person expects? He expects that the symptoms of the dis-easiness should go away.


1) If a person is reading a book with interest it means whatever he is putting in his mind it was not there. It means emptiness for that thing was there in his mind. That emptiness has created a situation of expectation (dis-easiness) and interest is the symptom of that. If the interest is no more to read that book, means expectation (dis-ease) to read is no more there and the person/mind comes to rest as far as that expectation is concerned.

2) A person goes to office, but why? In order to do or complete some work or to get some work done. Engaging oneself in work is a symptom of dis-easiness here. One the work is done/completed the symptom is no more and the person/mind comes to rest as far as that expectation is concerned.

The above can be applied to all of our engagements in which we are continuously engaged and there is no escape also. The symptoms of all our engagements/action (dis-easiness) can be clearly found out by oneself.

From the above one thing is very obvious that before starting the treatment of dis-ease the symptoms have to be clearly found out, otherwise whatever is done is nothing but arrow in the darkness.

Now come to the point.

Many of us are engaged in so many spiritual practices to attain something called enlightenment/moksha/salvation / union with God/coming to non-dual state/bliss and what not?

Our initial desire to engage ourselves (either on our own or due to any circumstances) in such practices shows that we were lacking something.

That unknown lacking (void/emptiness) created a desire in ourselves which gave rise to disturbance (dis-easiness) in our psychosomatic system and in order to get rid of that disturbance we engaged ourselves in spiritual practices.

But most of us are not aware of the above happenings in the psychosomatic system and how we have been driven to the point where we are.

Basically we are engaged in treating our symptoms of dis-easiness so that we come to our natural state (swabhav).

But the tragedy is that before our treatment got started we had not pointed out (others also not pointed out) what are the symptoms which require attention.

Unless the symptoms, which have given rise to such a state of ours which require change/modification by way of any method/path/practice, nothing is going to yield. We will just remain in the same state.

Hence a scientific approach is needed in this field too as spirituality is much higher science than normal science.

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