Thursday, August 29, 2013



Perhaps reflection of innocence and simplicity in all of our actions from others perspective and a complete relaxation from our perspective.

All the life forms including we humans appear (take birth) with having innocence and simplicity as inherent characteristics/assets which are the cause of complete relaxation at the time of birth.

The reflection/presence of these characteristics remains intact throughout the life cycle of all life forms except humans as "we say that we have lost innocence and simplicity in our life" the evidence of which is our tenses nervous system in waking state.

However, the fact is that in case of we humans too they remain intact throughout our life, but the innocence naturally get reflected and visible daily to others during the sleeping hour.

Even during waking state our body is always innocent and its way of working/functioning is simple.

It means these two characteristics are always present in our body as they are present in other components of the universe.

The question is where is the problem of loosing them ?

Perhaps its all in unawareness of the fact that

"all of our functions are happening under the influence of conditioning and other known/unknown factors/circumstances",

but we are conditioned to believe that we control our functions.

Perhaps once realisation of this fact happens because of "realisation of our helplessness in making any effort as everything happens effortlessly",

there remains nothing (all sorts of thing like greed, jealousy, etc all negatives and positives born out of feeling/knowledge of separation) but reflection of innocence and simplicity all the 24 X 7 X 365 which is experienced as complete relaxation in nervous system barring sometimes when body's needs arise.

Simultaneously it is also realised that "everything, if there is any, is as it should be in the moment."

And perhaps unknowingly/unconsciously we are desiring/seeking/searching this state of complete relaxation only, through various so called material as well as religious/spiritual methods/techniques.

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