Perhaps all the so called known/existing paths are nothing but stories of experiences (perceptions as per conditioning of the nervous system) experienced by the known/famous people like Buddha (including all great Masters like Boddhidharma, Naropa, Tilopa, Saraha, Padmasambhava, etc. great Zen Masters and all those awakened ones who owe to Siddhartha Gautama), Mahavira, Jesus, Shankara, Ramana, Lalla of Kashmir Shavism, Nisargadatta, JK, Osho, UG, Adhyashanti, Byron Katie, etc. and many unknown or not famous also, who in their state of the so called ego (as in any case one has to start from belief in Ego) although set their goal/target to achieve the so called enlightened state, made all possible efforts too, but finally came to realisation and expressed in different ways with different words as per their conditioning which can be summerised :
1. Enlightenment is a myth or if at all there is such state, everything/everyone in the existence is in that state only as there is no other way to be. As Chogym Trungpa (a Buddhist teacher) said - Enlightenment is ego's ultimate disappointment.
2. Everything, if there is any, is absolutely as it should be in the moment.
3. There is no way for anything/anyone not to be in the conceptual time frame called moment, if at all there is any time.
4. Everything, if there is any, is simply happening on its own because there is no doer..therefore no controller too.
5. It's all a question of shift in attitude only, but for that to "happen" there is no shortcut/alternative to honest and earnest efforts. In any case the so called we are compelled to make effort due to conditioning of nervous system as Nisargadatta Maharaj said.
6. If you write/tell/express your story of experiences (perceptions) after you come to this realisation, a new path will come into existence because of ignorance of those with whom you shared your story.
7. None of the stories matches with another person's story, because the experiences which form the basis of stories are bound to differ from person to person as they all happen in nervous system conditioned differently for different persons, hence perceived differently. And further an experience always happens in conceptual time and space under influence of or due to certain set of circumstances which never gets repeated in existence. Hence, question of having same/similar experience as mentioned in other's story does not arise, but the so called ego due to its rigidity goes on expecting this to happen.
For example - If two persons appearing to be having same personality are exposed to the same thing for experiencing under the same circumstances/conditions and then told to express (write/talk) their experiences, their expressions are bound to be different as they can never perceive the things/experiences in similar fashion because of difference in conditioning of their nervous system. If this is the case with objective experiences what to say about the so called subjective ones. In fact there cannot be any subjective experience. All experiences are objective only.
Here quote of Heraclitus is appropriate when he said - “No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man".
8. The paths are like lines drawn on surface of water and that too on running water because life is a verb not noun. That is why just for the shake of saying this is a pathless path.
P.S. - There is no intention to hurt anyone's sentiment/faith behind expressing so called my thoughts above.
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