Thursday, September 20, 2012



Perhaps without any expectation

the body which is nothing but nature

is already taking care of us or holding us

so that

we may be known/recognized by others in this nature/world.

Perhaps as a minimum reverence/gratefulness towards it

at least we should be simply "attentive" to it

as and when we feel free from our busy schedule i.e. giving continuous attention to all except this beautiful non-demanding instrument.

We don’t care (give attention) the body

perhaps because of the brainwashing by the so called spiritual/religious persons


.....we are shoul/spirit/atma/God and what not all fictions/imaginations, but not the body………

…..take care of soul as that is permanent…

….. our souls have come to the earth to evolve further as if they (Brain washers) are the managers of the universe………

…..body is temporary…...

....take interest/seek in/for the permanent as we are permanent……….


when it comes to their own case the very same preachers who were engaged in brainwashing / hypnotizing us, start going to doctors and all sorts of healing sytems when their body become diseased……….

[ Some may not go for healing the body because of strongly hypnotized state (whether by others or by own effort) in which no pain is felt ]

Note: There may be some exceptions too but I have personally reservation about those exception. Further the above is not meant to hurt anyone.

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