Tuesday, August 7, 2012



A certain no of the so called spiritual seekers are seeking/searching the so called "TRUTH" as if they were having first and somehow they have lost it.

The road map generally for search being used is made up of scriptures and sayings/guidance of various persons labeled as Masters/Gurus.

In this context following questions remain unanswered:

1. What is this TRUTH ?----Is it "something" about which we are not aware of ? Is it something in the past or future so that the thoughts can be of some help ?

2. What led the original/first person (who came to know of this TRUTH) to go for its search ?

3. If at all there is any such item called TRUTH, is it necessary to know it ?

4. Are all the components of the universe including our own body not functioning properly without having any knowledge of this so called TRUTH ?

5. Not only that this is called greatest of all TRUTH. But have we (so called spiritualist) ever examined the issue i.e. have we been successful in being "truthful" first to ourselves..means we never tell a lie in day to day life.

6. If we have not been successful in being truthful in small actions of our day to day life, how are we going to face the so called greatest TRUTH ?

7. We (the cunning mind) have devised/imagined division of whole in material and spiritual. Is this so called material not the base/primary because without this(body) the question of anything whatsoever would not have arisen at all ?

8. Are we really honest/truthful is this so called material life ? Perhaps NO. Why can't we see that in this so called material life somebody is there to point out our weaknesses(dishonesty, untruthfulness,etc.) so that we can mend ourselves, but in the so called spiritual life there is none to point out as that is all happening in the mind as only we (the mind) are the witness and there is greater chance of mind fooling us?

And many such related questions.

Will it not be better that before we start the so called search we must have clarity of/on such issues ???