Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Logic and Rationale


[Just go through]

There does not exist any thought expressed or unexpressed which cannot be brought under the purview of logic and rationality.

“Whatsoever has been expressed till date”,

“whatsoever is being expressed now” and

“whatsoever will be expressed in future”

“by way/in the form” of spoken or written words or by any other means,

are all fall in the realm of mind as they are the expressions of thoughts which themselves are interpretations of impulses done by brain-mind structure  only instrument available with us for this purpose.

Hence all of them irrespective of field (including spirituality and religion) from which they belong are subject to logic and rationalization.

There is no way out howsoever one may claim of being beyond logic. All claims are due to ignorance/misunderstanding.

If somebody thinks that some words/phrases/sentences (howsoever they holy/sacred may be)

"said/written by/in"

"Masters/Guru/Gods/scriptures" are beyond logic

then understand that

the concerned person’s capacity to understand/comprehend is still below the threshold limit of understanding /comprehending, so far as those words/phrases/sentences are concerned.

Hence instead of resorting to rigidly believing in the those thoughts which are supposed to be beyond logic,

one should try to upgrade/uplift his own level of understanding up to the threshold limit so that after which those thoughts come into the field of logic and rationality.

All the Masters try to express the inexpressible (beyond the understanding /comprehension/perception of sense organs and mind) with the help of words (mostly metaphors/ pointers) in order to make us understand logically and rationally with the help of our mind which is fortunately or unfortunately the only tool available with us.

Hence all words are subject to logic and rationalization.

All the masters were human beings only and their minds were working exactly just like us.

They all are expressing "about the so called truth" as per their own mind's conditioning (data/programmes or training of brain cells).

The only difference between their way of functioning and our way of functioning (as narrated by them only)

is that

in their case "thoughts have lost their grip on their actions" while "we are in total grip/clutch of thoughts", effects of which are reflected in our actions .

In other words they are detached from thoughts appearing on their mental screen while we are attached to them.

This is only because we are not aware about grip of thoughts while they are fully aware


due to that awareness only they have known/realized what they call freedom / salvation / moksha / kaivalya / realization / atmasakshatkar/ Gyana etc.

Thursday, December 8, 2011



[ Perhaps the most important FACTUAL ISSUE to ponder over ]

In the waking state right from morning to night as well as in dreaming state,

we (body-mind structure) are trying "to get rid of/to fulfill" thoughts/desires (spiritual thoughts/desires included)

which are continuously appearing into our the so called mind

due to

happening of interpretations of impulses (produced due to various outside and inside known/unknown factors/stimuli) reaching the brain through nervous system.

However this ("getting rid of/ fulfilling of" thoughts/desires) is happening perhaps inside without us being aware of it i.e. without our knowledge.

Take simple example to understand this factual position of our unawareness.

In the morning after waking up a thought related to having a cup of tea/coffee appears and is expressed by asking somebody “whether tea/coffee is ready”.

If the answer come “yes” then the thought(whether tea/coffee is ready) gets annihilated i.e. got rid of the concerned thought.

If answer comes “no” then another thought appears and expressed “what is the problem”.

It again is gotten rid by another answer.

The whole day or you can say the whole life this process of getting rid of thoughts is continuously going on albeit without our knowledge/awareness.

If somehow we become aware of this process which is going on unknowingly,

instantly we find that there is nothing to find...there is no goal to achieve.....everything is as it should have been in the moment as we are already established in the MOMENT.

"""Just ponder over,think and verify in your day to day life."""


Nothing is wrong with you in

The mind, if there is any, is never/hardly interested in facts.

It is always interested in something unknown and unknowable ; hence, imaginations, dreaming, etc.

And such actions (imaginations, dreaming, etc.) are bound to continue as there is no way out from it too because this is the best/only exercise for the billions of idle neurons we have (it is said we don't even use 1% of our brain's capacity).

In the unknown generally the scientists (intelligent people) are interested so that a part of unknown can be brought under the purview of known.

The rest (majority 99.99%) whose basic needs have been fulfilled are interested in unknowable (fictions / imaginary entities/phenomena like God, Soul, Enlightenment, Nirvana, etc.) with the help of the so called religions/spirituality due to a no. known/unknown factors continuously working and perhaps none of those factors is in anyone's control.

And they will do so till awareness (questioning one's own actions i.e. existential questions) happens.

Hence nothing is wrong with you in any respect.