There is nothing but one.
You may call/name it truth/love/life etc.
And this very one is expressing through various forms (animate and inanimate).
The things which "AS IT IS" are not affected by our concepts/imaginations/ideas etc. May be just appearing to be affected.
In facts "answers put/given before the question arises" from the childhood days, are the real problems as we have forgotten asking questions.
The questions which appear to being asked are just to confirm the answers which we already have in the first place, otherwise there is no way/need to ask.
If somehow this process (answer given before the question arises) is reversed, then perhaps there is no need to ask even.
We are already that which would have been at a given moment.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Th desires are those thoughts which are capable of making the psychosomatic instrument to act either in the form of thinking or outer bodily actions.
Don't fight with Desires (Don't even think of trying to control them)
Just be aware of them or understand that they are desires.
[Although this is also a desire but helpful in knowing other desires]
Let me try to expand this desire:
It is said that "A desire arose in God and the creation happened instantly."
Then a desire arose in Him "To experience His creation."
But for experiencing the creation a proper instrument is required which HE was lacking.
Hence a further desire "To have an instrument for experiencing His creation" arose in Him.
Hence various instruments in different forms appeared into the creation.
HE evaluated all the instruments of His creation and found the human instrument (body) best for experiencing the creation.
In this human body different types/forms of desires go on appearing (happening) without any effort just like the desires which arose in God.
And with the help of these desires in fact the God is experiencing His own creations.
The question arises now that if the God could not control his desires then how can we ?
Hence don't fight or try to control them.
It is a total waste of energy.
Just understand them or try to become aware of them, but is possible only after they have come into picture. That is all.
Perhaps in this way they will not obstruct the natural flow of life / consciousness.
We must keep in mind following facts related to desire:
1. Non of the desires is ours.
2. They are just subtle expressions ( in the form of reactions) of life expressed in response to outer/inner circumstances surrounding it.
3. They are simply the interpretations of the impulses produced in the body in response to circumstances (reactions) surrounding it and they arise on their own and subside/vanish on their own whether they are translated into actions or not.
4. Their sustainability/nuisance depends on our fighting (resistance/trying to control) with them. If they sustain/continue they consume our vital energy till they continue.
4. If we can remain neutral to their arousal they vanish on their own without causing any harm (without consuming our energy) and their effects fade away within no time.
5. Among all desires the desire/thought "TO BE KNOWN" can be labeled as mother of all non-essential desires/thoughts.

What I or perhaps all of us have observed that
when the word "ENLIGHTENMENT" comes for the discussion
many of us say or give opinion with "authority" that
"there is no enlightenment, we have just forgotten to remember, we are already enlightened, etc."
making the whole discussion ridiculous or uncalled for or irrelevant.
Everyone of us tries to impress upon others that he/she knows what is being discussed.
[I don't know whether I am correct or not on this point, but for me it appears to be correct.]
But at the same time
1. we go on discussing topics related to the so called spirituality central theme of which is enlightenment
2. We go on quoting sayings/wisdom of various so called enlightened Masters of either yesteryear or contemporary ones.
Our this approach/behaviour puts a big question mark i.e.
Are we not behaving in a way which in my opinion it is simply showing that either we are neurotic or are having split personalities ?
when the word "ENLIGHTENMENT" comes for the discussion
many of us say or give opinion with "authority" that
"there is no enlightenment, we have just forgotten to remember, we are already enlightened, etc."
making the whole discussion ridiculous or uncalled for or irrelevant.
Everyone of us tries to impress upon others that he/she knows what is being discussed.
[I don't know whether I am correct or not on this point, but for me it appears to be correct.]
But at the same time
1. we go on discussing topics related to the so called spirituality central theme of which is enlightenment
2. We go on quoting sayings/wisdom of various so called enlightened Masters of either yesteryear or contemporary ones.
Our this approach/behaviour puts a big question mark i.e.
Are we not behaving in a way which in my opinion it is simply showing that either we are neurotic or are having split personalities ?
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
What is enlightenment ?
What is enlightenment ?
It can be described in following different wordings.
1. It is realisation/recognition of "natural state" in which we already are, simply by way of understanding the fact that "Everything is" "as it should have been in the moment".
2. It is realisation/discovery of this fact that
3. It is realisation/knowing the fact that
4. On the physical level "it is a state of total relaxation of nervous system with full awarenes and alertness."
5. It is a state in which a person regains the "innocence and simplicity" of his/her childhood. It was just covered by illusory ego/mind/so called knowledge.
6. It is realisation of the fact that
"the ego/mind has no positive existence of its own.
It was appearing to be existing only due to absence of understanding/ clarity."
7. It is a state when
"the difference among mana,vachana and karma comes to an end."
All three exist in fully synchronised state.
It is basically sign of presence of innocence and simplicity.
8. On the mental level you can say it is the state
"when the grip of thoughts upon the person's action comes to an end ."
This is an internal mechanism which is reflected outwardly as egoless state.
9. In this state all the good qualities especially "empathy" and "compassion" starts flowing through that person. He has no way out but to act in that way (Nature's way/God's way)
10. It is the state when power of discrimination comes to an end in that person unlike other normal human beings.
In this sense the person becomes just like rock, soil, air, water, fire, body, sun, moon,body, etc, (all animate and inanimate) .
11. It is the state in which the peson is totally free from all faiths, belifs, principles, rules, regulations, etc. albeit all these qualities starts getting reflected through his actions. He/she becomes unpredictable.
12. It is the restoration of the respect to life (includes all inanimate too) as such which we have forgotten.
The above is not exhaustive but illustrative.
Reactions Vs. Response
Reactions Vs. Response
1. Although there exists reactions only in the universe (there is no question of action) , the difference between "reaction" and "response" ( as referred in common parlance ) lies in the "time taken by the person to become normal after that reaction."
In the case of a reaction which is in the form of response, the time taken to become normal for the person concerned is very very less as compared to a reaction as such (what we generally call it).
In a response the mind does not come into picture (seen from the angle of the person concerned) as it happens spontaneously while the reaction cannot happen without the indulgence of mind (seen from the angle of the person concerned). Therefore the consumption of energy in case of response is minimum while in case of reaction it is maximum and the reaction not only may further manifests into anger and irritations, but may continue its existence for a long time to come in order to take revenge.
Hence the response can be said to be natural as it can be observed in every form of life and also in inanimate except human beings. However the small children and the enlightened ones can be exceptions among the humans.
2. It is very difficult (almost impossible) to come out of the "reactionary state" of mind. But once you come out of it you are already in "responding state".
"Imitating the responding state" is very simple which is generally happening everywhere as we are great actors, but the "reality" surfaces immediately which is reflected in his words he expresses, if the person's outer imitating layer gets scratched somehow.
3." Reaction" which is immediate , is the sign of the presence of non-existent/illusory ego and consumes a lot of energy, while "response" which is spontaneous (may or may not be immediate) is the sign of absence of ego and consumes minimum needed energy.
You can analyse on your own whether it was your reaction or response, on the basis of degree of relaxation after your reaction/response has happened.
If you feel drained(not feeling fully energetic) of energy understand that that was definitely a reaction, opposite is true for response.
1. Although there exists reactions only in the universe (there is no question of action) , the difference between "reaction" and "response" ( as referred in common parlance ) lies in the "time taken by the person to become normal after that reaction."
In the case of a reaction which is in the form of response, the time taken to become normal for the person concerned is very very less as compared to a reaction as such (what we generally call it).
In a response the mind does not come into picture (seen from the angle of the person concerned) as it happens spontaneously while the reaction cannot happen without the indulgence of mind (seen from the angle of the person concerned). Therefore the consumption of energy in case of response is minimum while in case of reaction it is maximum and the reaction not only may further manifests into anger and irritations, but may continue its existence for a long time to come in order to take revenge.
Hence the response can be said to be natural as it can be observed in every form of life and also in inanimate except human beings. However the small children and the enlightened ones can be exceptions among the humans.
2. It is very difficult (almost impossible) to come out of the "reactionary state" of mind. But once you come out of it you are already in "responding state".
"Imitating the responding state" is very simple which is generally happening everywhere as we are great actors, but the "reality" surfaces immediately which is reflected in his words he expresses, if the person's outer imitating layer gets scratched somehow.
3." Reaction" which is immediate , is the sign of the presence of non-existent/illusory ego and consumes a lot of energy, while "response" which is spontaneous (may or may not be immediate) is the sign of absence of ego and consumes minimum needed energy.
You can analyse on your own whether it was your reaction or response, on the basis of degree of relaxation after your reaction/response has happened.
If you feel drained(not feeling fully energetic) of energy understand that that was definitely a reaction, opposite is true for response.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Who is the closest to you ? None other than you as "you are that only".
Which is the next closest to you ? None other than your body, emotions, pains, pleasures etc..
Do you require anyone's help in knowing/understanding your body, feelings, emotions, pleasures, pain, etc ?
Absolutely No.
You perceive/experience/know all the components of existence with the help of your sense organs only.
Do you need anyone's help in knowing these components of existence ?
Perhaps No.
My question is
"If you don't require any help from anyone to know all the things which are "away/at a distance" from you, why do you require any help from anyone in knowing "you"?
In my opinion
"for knowing something (including your body) which is at a distance/away from you , the requirement of someone's (including your own sense organs) help makes some sense."
But does it make any sense in asking for any one's help in knowing "yourself" when there is no distance/gap between the subject (you) and object (you) ?
But the tragedy is that you are always badly seeking help of some one else while in fact no help is needed/required at all.
Who is the closest to you ? None other than you as "you are that only".
Which is the next closest to you ? None other than your body, emotions, pains, pleasures etc..
Do you require anyone's help in knowing/understanding your body, feelings, emotions, pleasures, pain, etc ?
Absolutely No.
You perceive/experience/know all the components of existence with the help of your sense organs only.
Do you need anyone's help in knowing these components of existence ?
Perhaps No.
My question is
"If you don't require any help from anyone to know all the things which are "away/at a distance" from you, why do you require any help from anyone in knowing "you"?
In my opinion
"for knowing something (including your body) which is at a distance/away from you , the requirement of someone's (including your own sense organs) help makes some sense."
But does it make any sense in asking for any one's help in knowing "yourself" when there is no distance/gap between the subject (you) and object (you) ?
But the tragedy is that you are always badly seeking help of some one else while in fact no help is needed/required at all.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
What is in your control or what is that which you can do ? Where is the free will ?
What is in your control or what is that which you can do ? Where is the free will ?
Let us examine the whole film of our so called life step by step.
1. Conceiving:
Is it not true that our parents did not meet specifically to produce us. They were enjoying the act of meeting of two bodies trying to become one but we got conceived without they being aware of our conceiving date and time ? Was not that a happening i.e. our conceiving was in nobody's control ?
2. Birth and Death:
Is it not true that our phenomenon of growing for 9 months in the womb was in nobody's control i.e that was a happening ?
Is it not true that our birth was in nobody's control i.e that was a happening ?
Is it not true that our growing up process up to this moment was in nobody's control i.e it was a happening ?
Is it not true that our growing (bodily- from child to old) further in future as long as the body survive will be in nobody's control i.e it will be a happening ?
Is it not true that our so called death also will not be in anybody's control i.e it will be a happening ?
3. Breathing, Sleep, Digestion and body's other internal functions:
Is it not true that in this very moment the breathing (one of the four important factors i.e. breathing, water, food and sleep) which is most important for survival of the body, is in nobody's control i.e. it is happening?
Is it not true that the sleep (one of the four important factors i.e. breathing, water, food and sleep) is very important for survival of the body, is in nobody's control i.e. it is happening?
Is it not true that after we put water and food in the body whole of the digestive process is in nobody's control i.e. it is happening ?
Is it not true that there are a no. of continuously going on body's internal functions like beating of heart, flowing of blood, filtering of blood by kidneys, functioning of liver and lungs, etc. which are all vital for survival are in nobody's control i.e. they are all happenings?
4. Thinking:
Is it not true that the thinking which is also a very important process in our life is also not in nobody's control i.e. it is happening ? Can you stop your thinking even for a second ? Perhaps no.
From the above facts is it not clear that all the important phenomena which are compulsory for the life for continuing its manifestation through our body are in nobody's control i.e. all are happenings ?
What remains in our control:
The only thing which appears to be in our control is moving our motor organs (hands, legs, jaws, neck, tongue, etc.). This movement of our motor organs includes all of our activities like chewing, speaking, walking, going to office, discussing, etc.
Are they (movement of motor organs) really in our control ?:
If we enquire deeply about these actions which appear to be in our control, it can be easily found out that they are also not in our control because these actions are being controlled by so many outside factors out of which none of them appears to be in not our control.
This is whole film our of life. Think about that. Where does your feeling/ knowledge of "doership" survive?
My View:
I am of the view that spirituality is limited to nothing but "the verification whether do we have any control over our motor organs or not".
Let us examine the whole film of our so called life step by step.
1. Conceiving:
Is it not true that our parents did not meet specifically to produce us. They were enjoying the act of meeting of two bodies trying to become one but we got conceived without they being aware of our conceiving date and time ? Was not that a happening i.e. our conceiving was in nobody's control ?
2. Birth and Death:
Is it not true that our phenomenon of growing for 9 months in the womb was in nobody's control i.e that was a happening ?
Is it not true that our birth was in nobody's control i.e that was a happening ?
Is it not true that our growing up process up to this moment was in nobody's control i.e it was a happening ?
Is it not true that our growing (bodily- from child to old) further in future as long as the body survive will be in nobody's control i.e it will be a happening ?
Is it not true that our so called death also will not be in anybody's control i.e it will be a happening ?
3. Breathing, Sleep, Digestion and body's other internal functions:
Is it not true that in this very moment the breathing (one of the four important factors i.e. breathing, water, food and sleep) which is most important for survival of the body, is in nobody's control i.e. it is happening?
Is it not true that the sleep (one of the four important factors i.e. breathing, water, food and sleep) is very important for survival of the body, is in nobody's control i.e. it is happening?
Is it not true that after we put water and food in the body whole of the digestive process is in nobody's control i.e. it is happening ?
Is it not true that there are a no. of continuously going on body's internal functions like beating of heart, flowing of blood, filtering of blood by kidneys, functioning of liver and lungs, etc. which are all vital for survival are in nobody's control i.e. they are all happenings?
4. Thinking:
Is it not true that the thinking which is also a very important process in our life is also not in nobody's control i.e. it is happening ? Can you stop your thinking even for a second ? Perhaps no.
From the above facts is it not clear that all the important phenomena which are compulsory for the life for continuing its manifestation through our body are in nobody's control i.e. all are happenings ?
What remains in our control:
The only thing which appears to be in our control is moving our motor organs (hands, legs, jaws, neck, tongue, etc.). This movement of our motor organs includes all of our activities like chewing, speaking, walking, going to office, discussing, etc.
Are they (movement of motor organs) really in our control ?:
If we enquire deeply about these actions which appear to be in our control, it can be easily found out that they are also not in our control because these actions are being controlled by so many outside factors out of which none of them appears to be in not our control.
This is whole film our of life. Think about that. Where does your feeling/ knowledge of "doership" survive?
My View:
I am of the view that spirituality is limited to nothing but "the verification whether do we have any control over our motor organs or not".
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