- Understanding why not happening despite our efforts
In the process of communication unless and until the participants have the same meaning / understanding of various abstract words/concepts/great fundas like God, blessings, self-realisation , etc. ( written in the scriptures or in the sayings of great persons), the desired level of communication can never happen .
Further majority of us have misconceptions about these words because of non-thinking (chintan) from various angles because we are enveloped by prejudices or we lack scientific temperament.
Osho used to say that "My whole effort is to restart the process of chintan once again in India which is not seen/visible anymore. We have forgotten the chintan. The people are just living in a mechanical/unconscious way. Due to the chintan only all the upanishads and other such treasures came to the light or revealed."
One must keep in mind that all the letters of alphabet, words, sentences, phrases,etc. are nothing but concepts invented/used by individuals as pointers . They are not truth in themselves. Further they are nothing but sounds produced by the body in reaction to some outer or inner happenings and these sounds were tried to be represented with the help of some scribbling on paper by various people depending upon their conditioning/training of scripts.
Shri U.G. Krishnamurthi used to say that " There is no difference between my speaking and a dog barking in the street. Both are sounds. Only you people go on interpreting the sounds coming from this instrument called U.G. as you want to interpret according to your conditioning."
The precondition for happening of true understanding is that one must accept that his/her understanding of a word/concept may not be true unless that is supported with evidences in day to day life or is helpful in explaining various phenomenon up to great extent if not fully eg. nobody has seen the electrons(in atom) but the concept has helped a lot in understanding various other concepts/truth.
To have the same meaning/understanding is almost an impossibility, hence true/perfect/correct communication fails to happen. This is mainly because of our conditioning from childhood, the quality of software which helps in expressing the experiences.
Therefore discussion/debate/dialogue
are continuously going on especially in so called spirituality without reaching to the point/truth/goal so that only silence can prevail. However this is possible only and only when the participants become one i.e. feeling of separateness (which is an illusion from a different angle) vanishes/dissolves with the help of innocence/openness
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Understanding why not happening despite our efforts
midday dreams.
Haikus are not poetries in the ordinary sense; they are poetic, they are more visual than verbal.
Just visualize....
A dragonfly on the rock,
having midday dreams...
That is the situation of every unconscious human being. Not only the dragonfly, you are also living in dreams. Until a pillar of consciousness arises in you, you will live in dreams, in nightmares, and your life will be a wastage. It will not come to fulfillment, to contentment, to a deep realization of organic unity with the cosmos.
That is the only splendor to experience.
Nothing is higher than that.
To speak of nothingness, void, eternity, silence and stillness one must come eventually to the subject of death. And not only that, one must come to face death as part of the human condition. You and I, and everyone will die. That is certain.
Death is the ultimate and final entry into Pure Silence. At that point all the struggling, all the grasping and controlling is finished whether we wish that to be or not. Death is our final friend, our destiny as a living being. However, I offer that it is the fear of death, of the unknown finality of it, of the dissolution into nothingness, which has been the central concern of all humanity since the beginning, whether consciously, unconsciously or subconsciously. We know that someday we will not be alive and the fear is that we will not be aware as well. Consider this in yourself right now.. Because there is tremendous freedom here if you admit that someday you will be nothing itself.
If you invite this into your consciousness, no matter how painful it seems, you will see the absolute joy of it all. In death the Pure Silence that you are will finally return to the source, the center, the all of Pureness itself. There you will not have body with brain, brain with thought and memory, and memory with emotion. If you consider that, at first it is a little scary. That is the reason religion has invented concepts like heaven to sooth humanity's fears about this. It is my humble opinion that our fear of being nothing, being dead, being silent, is all related to this.
Spend a few moments right now and welcome death to yourself psychologically. Investigate the fact that someday you will be gone, your thoughts, dreams, memories, hopes, goals, desires - everything will be gone.
What will be left, what is left, only Pure, gentle, loving Silence. This is you, right now.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
A Story- Reasonable Doubt
A defendant was on trial for murder. There was strong evidence indicating guilt, but there was no corpse. In the defense's closing statement the lawyer, knowing that his client would probably be convicted, resorted to a trick.
"Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I have a surprise for you all," the lawyer said as he looked at his watch. "Within one minute, the person presumed dead in this case will walk into this courtroom." He looked toward the courtroom door. The jurors, somewhat stunned, all looked on eagerly. A minute passed. Nothing happened.
Finally the lawyer said, "Actually, I made up the previous statement. But, you all looked on with anticipation. I therefore put to you that you have a reasonable doubt in this case as to whether anyone was killed and insist that you return a verdict of not guilty."
The jury, clearly confused, retired to deliberate. A few minutes later, the jury returned and pronounced a verdict of guilty.
"But how?" inquired the lawyer. "You must have had some doubt; I saw all of you stare at the door."
The jury foreman replied, "Oh, we looked, but your client didn't."
There is no Goal ,there is nothing to achieve, that everything is good as it is. -Osho
There is a story told by Sufis about a man who read that certain dervishes, on the orders of their Master, never touched meat and did not smoke. Since this tends to fit in with certain well-established beliefs, especially in the West, this man made his way to the ZAWIA -- assembly place -- of the illuminated ones, to sit at their feet. They were all over ninety years old.
Sure enough, there they were, not a spot of nicotine or shred of animal protein among them, and our hero gasped with delight as he sat drinking in the unpolluted air and tasting the bean-curd soup which they provided. He hoped that he would at least live to a hundred.
Suddenly one of them whispered, "Here comes the great Master!" And all stood up as the venerable sage came in. He smiled benignly and went into the house, heading for his quarters.
He did not look a day over fifty.
"How old is he, and what does he eat?" asked the enraptured visitor.
"He is one hundred and fifty years old, and I don't suppose any of us will reach that venerable age and station," wheezed one of the ancients. "But, of course, he is allowed twenty cigars and three steaks a day, since he is now beyond being affected by frivolities and temptations!"
It is a beautiful story. There comes a moment when a man goes beyond all duality -- then he is allowed everything. I can talk about the future because I live in the present -- it is allowed! And I can talk about saving the world from the third world war because I have no desires left -- it is allowed. I can go on teaching you day in, day out, year in, year out, saying continuously, hammering continuously: "There is no goal, no purpose, nothing to achieve." Still it is allowed to me to teach you.
Why is it allowed to me to teach you? -- because I am not a teacher any more. And I am not giving you a doctrine, and I am not giving you a character, and I am not giving you a discipline. I am simply imparting my joy that has happened to me.
Source - Osho Book "Be Still and Know"
A Story- Osho on Adi Shankaracharya Meeting with a Sudra
I am reminded of a beautiful incident about the Adi Shankaracharya, the first Shankaracharya, who established four temples -- the four seats of shankaracharyas for all the four directions. Perhaps in the whole world, he is the most famous of those philosophers who are trying to establish that everything is illusory.
Without doubt he was a great logician, because he went on conquering other philosophers; he moved all over the country and defeated all other schools of philosophy. He established his philosophy as the only right vision, the only right perspective: that all is maya, illusion.
Shankaracharya was in Varanasi. One day, early in the morning -- it was still dark because traditionally the Hindu monks take a bath before sunrise -- he took a bath. And as he was coming up the steps, a man touched him on purpose, not accidentally, and told him, "Please forgive me. I am a sudra, I am untouchable. I am sorry, but you will have to take another bath to clean yourself."
Shankaracharya was very angry. He said, "It was not accidental, the way you did that; you did it on purpose. You should be punished in hell."
The man said, "When all is illusory, it seems only hell remains real." That took Shankaracharya aback.
The man said, "Before you go for your bath, you have to answer my few questions. If you don't answer me, each time you come up after your bath, I will touch you."
It was lonely and nobody else was there, so Shankaracharya said, "You seem to be a very strange person. What are your questions?"
He said, "My first question is: Is my body illusory? Is your body illusory? And if two illusions touch each other, what is the problem? Why are you going to take another bath? You are not practicing what you are preaching. How, in an illusory world, can there be a distinction between the untouchable and the brahmin? -- the pure and the impure? -- when both are illusory, when both are made of the same stuff as dreams are made of? What is the fuss?"
Shankaracharya, who had been conquering great philosophers, could not answer this simple man because any answer was going to be against his philosophy. If he says they are illusory, then there is no point in being angry about it. If he says they are real, then at least he accepts the reality of bodies... but then there is a problem. If human bodies are real, then animal bodies, the bodies of the trees, the bodies of the planets, the stars... then everything is real.
And the man said, "I know you cannot answer this -- it will finish your whole philosophy. I'll ask you another question: I am a sudra, untouchable, impure, but where is my impurity -- in my body or in my soul? I have heard you declaring that the soul is absolutely and forever pure, and there is no way to make it impure; so how can there be a distinction between souls? Both are pure, absolutely pure, and there are no degrees of impurity -- that somebody is more pure and somebody is less pure. So perhaps it is my soul that has made you impure and you have to take another bath?"
That was even more difficult. But he had never been in such trouble -- actual, practical, in a way scientific. Rather than arguing about words, the sudra had created a situation in which the great Adi Shankaracharya accepted his defeat. And the sudra said, "Then don't go take another bath. Anyway there is no river, no me, no you; all is a dream. Just go in the temple -- that too is a dream -- and pray to God. He too is a dream, because he is a projection of a mind which is illusory, and an illusory mind cannot project anything real.
Source : from Osho Book “The Great Zen Master Ta Hui”
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Facing U.G.
Success in life
Quote on spiritual practice
Spiritualism A mental Game
1. Who are you?
2. Why are you?
3. Where are you?
4. From where have you come?
5. Where will you go?
6. What is the purpose of your coming?
7. Do you know what is your size?
8. Do you really exist in the sense you understand?
9. Is there anybody yours? etc.
What do you think about the person? It appears that either he may be drunk or lunatic.
Now ask the same questions to yourself and try to figure out your status.